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Amal and George Clooney spotted leaving Paris 2.02.2017

header3Amal and George Clooney leave Paris and their hotel “L’Hôtel”. They have been spotted at the Garde du Nord in Paris to catch the Eurostar for London.

StyleFiles :

Amal Clooney wore a floral khaki coat with a printed dress, over knee  boots and bag


Pre-Fall 2017-2018 collection

a61c0145screenshot_20170305-210643The bag is the Demilune by VALENTINO

Similarstyles here

The VALENTINO dress was available here

And the VALENTINO coat too here




with big thanks to Maud for the Ids.

and cat eyes sunglasses by HEIDI LONDON availablehere


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47 thoughts on “Amal and George Clooney spotted leaving Paris 2.02.2017

  1. Never seen any person who LOVES the cameras and the all-eyes-on-me attention. Plus, yes girl, you’ve arrived. Yes you accomplished the impossible and married George Clooney (albeit the middle age version not as his ER peak) – now tone down the try-hard. The constant mugging it up for the paps and the RuPaul sashaying.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Funny how George is painfully trying to avoid making any eye contact with the cameras and his wife eyes light up with glee and adoringly smiles to the cameras.


    2. I could not disagree with you more. None of us know her so speculation about her as a person seems quite a stretch. They walked out of a building and were stalked. Photos were taken and then people here and on DM interpret the behavior of two people. I love her outfit and her attire seems to be all one could possibly comment on since we were not there.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Uh yes, sure. Go through the 4+ years of photos that Nati has catalogued. Within each month you will find identical photos of Amal preening for the cameras. You should take Nati’s collection of 4+ years of qualitative and quantitative evidence and examine for your next graduate level course.


      2. I do not agree with Jackson who says they are “stalked”. This is a media pap stroll all prearranged, prepared for and agreed to – complete with the designer outfit that has been given to Amal to wear for exactly this purpose – to ensure maximum exposure for the wearer and the designer. Like a mannequin she seeks the lens and she poses. That is the deal.

        Amal wears William Vintage. William Vintage puts it on the instagram account, Amal returns it or is allowed to keep it. Hairdresser does her hair for a trip to the airport. Hairdresser tweets about it. Everyone wins. Though what Amal gets out of all this I simply do not know – she doesn’t need the freebies.

        The day you see Amal without the makeup and not in head to toe designer billboard mode – is the day you can say she wasn’t planning on being photographed, And that rarely, if ever happens – because in between these packaged appearances you rarely see her.


      3. I disagree. George and Amal are primarily being stalked by the press because they know how much Amall loves the camera and likes to draw attention to herself with her designer clothes. She never dressed like this before she met George. If Amal was still dressing in the more casual funky style she had pre-George, she would never be getting anything closer to this level of attention from the press. Amal intentionally keeps it going by always being over-the-top in her fashion choices. There is nothing innocent about it.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Again with the ‘none of us know her’ blathering. For someone who would die on the sword for her professed qualitative quantitative career – how can YOU of all people – write that with 100% certainty that NO ONE on this blog knows or knew her.

        I knew her very casually. She is sweet. She thinks very highly of herself. She lost a lot of weight. End of story.


    3. If she accidentally frowns, then her face will be plastered on every rag-magazine with ridiculous headlines like, “Marriage Trouble for Amal and George,” or “Pregnancy Scare” and if she smiles people will say she’s in love with the cameras.


      1. Jaine- Thanks for the suggestion but that is not how qualitative and quantitative research are conducted.

        I do think that Anastasia nailed it with her comment.


      2. Anastasia – when is life so simple and binary? Smiles=x or frowns=y. There’s life in between. It’s called looking natural.

        I’ve never seen a natural look from her. She’s always overdone and camera-ready. Carolyn Bessette was a true style-icon and always looked effortless and chic never overly made-up. Always angling for a glamour shot.

        Amal is the complete opposite. She never just looks … natural. She looks so posed and runway ready. Red lipstick, 5 inch heels and pageant hair.


      1. Nose job or not, does it matter. What matters is was she a nice girl. These days I am beginning to wonder how nice or fabulous she really is?


      2. I’ve seen other old photos, two I think, but don’t recall seeing this one.
        Other than her nose, it’s her chin that has the most significant difference. I knew she had that done too but never saw how extreme until now. Her old chin was lovely.
        After, she looks much more like George, like a twin sister. It’s uncanny. I hope that wasn’t her goal.

        As to her ensemble here, the only thing she’s missing from the collection is the gloves.
        She’s a walking advertisement. She’s definitely getting more than clothes for her efforts.
        I wouldn’t wear one piece if given to me, no less all of it together.
        I’d call this a Valentino fail.


    4. Fashion icon, huh? She copied every single piece of outfit that Valentino sent down the runway! Where’s the style, originality and creativity?

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Love the dress, the coat, the bag. Boots….somehow she makes it work but I think a less clunky version would have worked better. But overall, looks beautiful. Hair and makeup so much better with less. Yes, she does love the cameras but maybe, like most of us, we see a camera, we smile, because we just look better with a smile. Maybe that is all there is to it.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Love the coat! It is so chic. Very fashion forward. Love the boots too. I think the dress is not much and the oversized bag is too much


    2. Boots are hideous. The whole ensemble reminds me of a homeless person picking out unrelated clothing items from various dumpsters just to keep warm. The coat could have been interesting had she worn it with different shoes and a dress in a solid bold color, but this is just hideous. There is always something off about her fashion sense, despite the media fawning over her and claiming that she is a fashion “icon”.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s funny because I think this is why I really like it. The apparent unrelatedness of the pieces. I love the coat and like the dress but to me what makes the look so great is that they are so different and each would work great with so many different options as you say, but it reminds me of one of those days when you pick out all the right clothes, are so rushed to get out that you don’t give as much thought to the coat, and then magically it works. This outfit looks comfortable and quirky to me

        Liked by 1 person

      2. But she took it right off the Valentino runway look rather than just pick out unrelated pieces that happened to come together.


  3. There’s being well-raised, polite and knowing how to be pleasant and smile for the camera when it’s present – then there are those who thrive on being center of attention and search for the cameras then literally serve it up for the cameras.

    Then there’s thirst like this:


  4. Looking great, radiant, and lovely. Outfit colors blend nicely eventhough they don’t match. Boot look good, and comfy. As for the camera thirst, a person who is not used to be followed by paparazzi 24/7, would be curious to see where these paparazzi would be hiding. People just have to say something which is most of the time irrelevant and isn’t based on facts. Can’t wait to see Amal in her 3rd trimester, she should continue to be the star.


  5. She looks great and happy as does George. She pulls together outfits, I would never think would match, but somehow they do. She is very photogenic and smiles for the cameras. If she didn’t she would be called a sourpuss or bitch. A “thirsty” person doesn’t disappear from the cameras for weeks or months, as Amal does. She’s gotten used to being photographed; it’s called putting your best foot forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lord! That’s one busy clown-mess of an outfit!

    Individually, each piece (coat, dress, boots, bag) is a mix of ok-to-nice but nothing exceptional. The coat and the boots are the best bits but the combination of all four takes us into serious clown territory.

    I guess this is what being paid to shill a whole load of brands in a hurry looks like. 🙂


  7. Pregnancy teally suits Amal well…she looks even prettier now that she’s put on a bit of weight…radiant…happy and very much in love. Beautiful!!


  8. Nati I was thinking of doing a style blog on Meghan Markel Prince Harry’s significant other. Do you have any tips? Much appreciate any advice you can give me. Thank you 🙂


  9. does this really count as personal style if all you do is wear an outfit top to toe that’s been provided to you by the designer- including shoes and bag? And you most likely never repeat that outfit? She also doesn’t cultivate a signature look because she flits between different designers all the time. Except for her hair – which is consistent.

    For all the kudos she gets as a fashion icon – I cannot think of ONE trend she has started – unless you count the trend of excessive consumption and “look at me” paparazzi walks – mind you, she didn’t invent that either! She did wear the white gloves at the Golden Globes – but I think she was ridiculed in a lot of the press as being too “try hard” – certainly haven’t seen other personalities copy her – and she has never repeated them herself. Maybe the use of vintage – but I think other high profile celebrities have worn vintage. I suppose a trend is that you never her see her dressed down or pushing a shopping trolley – as you often see other people in the public eye. Vanity Fair had an article about her saying she has “saved the art of dressing up” – but is that really style? Or just media manipulation?

    Yet, pre George, and as so many others have noted – I would say she had a personal style. She would wear unusual jewellery and shoes and it looked at lot more effortless. I think as soon as she had access to unlimited luxury and stylish she has let the clothes wear her and not the other way around,

    So what is style? Is is individuality? Is it the label on your back? Is Amal Clooney a well dressed woman in very expensive clothes – or does she have a style of her own?

    Liked by 2 people

  10. OK, try as I might, there is not a *single* thing that I like about this outfit, and it comes off as extremely frumpy – especially the boots. Does anyone else think “Hot Topic” when they see the million-buckle boots that she wore on her last “date night” and the boots shown in these photos? Ugh. In fact that coat and the dress look like they came from “Forever 21.” Just no – I don’t need any reminders of cheap American strip-mall store style for teens. In fact, the outfit brings to mind something that teenaged cartoon character Daria would wear. Not sure how these photos will help to sell the products that she’s wearing? If anything, the outfit is a massive turn-off. I’m going to cut Amal some slack with regard to the severe lack of style evidenced here since she’s pregnant, though. Maybe it’s the hormones?

    On another note, that hideous bag looks like it’s made of snakeskin.


  11. Her style is what ever she likes and chooses to wear no matter the cost. she wears things I wouldn’t t, but that is her choice and her taste.


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