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Amal Clooney spotted arriving at the Columbia University 06.04.2015

image Amal Clooney was spotted today finally. We love how she mixed her Oscar de la Renta pumps with her pale grey outfit.

We have an ID for the bag thanks to our wonderful community !

It is the Tod’s Cape Medium bag $2095


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Oscar de la Renta Laura Satin pumps


Pictures via Harpers Bazaar.



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67 thoughts on “Amal Clooney spotted arriving at the Columbia University 06.04.2015

  1. What a great style! And as someone with Lebanese origin, she could wear clothes of Lebanese-born designers too, such as Murad, Saab, Tony Ward, to name only a few. Maybe on the next red carpet 🙂

    Many regards from Croatia


  2. PERFECT!!! … she is even repeating the shoes…. she had those shoes before she married George! she definitely separates her personal life of her work life when it comes to how she dresses. I like that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s an excellent point. She’s got one look for strictly social occasions and one for professional occasions. Mostly we see her out on date nights and other non-work events. For work events, as in Athens or the ICJ, she wear suits and other more professional looking clothes. It will be interesting to see if there are changes as time goes on. Before meeting George Clooney, her private life was private so the whole world didn’t get to see and judge how she dressed when going out on Saturday night. But now it’s different.


  3. This is the Amal we all crave to see: demure, classy, polished and professional.
    I think the reason I sometimes have a hard time with her edgy outfits is that it is hard to reconcile what in my mind I imagine a lawyer to be ( and the image that was projected and sold to us as a public when she first started dating George Clooney) , with her flirty dresses, her short hemlines and her expensive wardrobe. I like the Amal in that picture a lot more. In my opinion she is a lot sexier and exudes confidence and intelligence.
    Oh and that bag! I love the bag!! Is that a Dior, I wonder?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I read in another post that it was maybe a Tod’s bag?
        I also agree, this is the Amal I personally love! Stylish , and sexy but most importantly without compromising her professional appearance .

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Tout-à-fait d’accord avec vous. Une avocate gravure de mode… c’est quelque chose d’inédit dans les annales des barreaux. Quant au prix de ses vêtements, c’est indécent dans le monde actuel, même si tous les deux travaillent, gagnent beaucoup d’argent et peuvent mettre de telles sommes pour les acheter. Un peu de discrétion ne fera de mal à personne. G. Clooney lui-même est très discret et c’est tant mieux.


  4. Lovely!

    And a coat! She DOES feel the cold after all!! Brings to different light the comments about her fashion choices in the evenings and whether she’s dressing for the paps.

    Still too much blush 😦 she’s so beautiful she could wear no makeup.


  5. I like the shoes, the red bag and the length of the skirt. But I am irritated about wearing a coat but no tights. How cold is it outside? She looks somehow chilled through in this pic. May be she should wear warmer clothes.


    1. Moi aussi! Vous avez remarquer comme la bague se ferme? trop cool comme design! Mais malheureusement trop cher ;-((


  6. Finally a flawless outfit! I just didn’t know that mixing different shades of white can have such a nice effect on the outfit. I’ll try this look one day ❤
    I also hope that her lecture went well and that the students enjoyed it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! Did you see how it closes? The bag? the design is very cool even though pretty simplistic inside. I like my bags to have more pockets in them 🙂 But i think this one is perfect to carry some briefs in them. Love the design an color, just wished was not so expensive :-((


  7. Yes, finally! Back to conservative chic! This spells, Classic, Professional, Intelligent, Sophisticated all the way! I agree, it’s way more elegant and sexy, than the “runway haute couture” looks. This suits her much better. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Now if she’ll just tone down the rouge blush a bit, she’ll look great! Her cheeks match her bag and shoes too much. “Less is More” Amal, “Less is More”. 🙂


    1. I totally agree Jacklyn, it looks she has tried some different make up and is indeed too strong. I like what she had before, soft and natural. I guess she is just trying different things. I would LOVE to try out her closet and vanity table hahaha


  9. It was not cold here in New york yesterday it was in the 60’s. I don’t think her style for work will change she is a professional and knows what is appropriate. On her personal time she can wear whatever she likes and that is good .

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am in love with these shoes. There are no cheap options of them Nati? And I am charmed with it I like Amal that it uses clothes so different: torn cowherds, dressed mini short suits of high seam, with makeup without mquillaje, Always it is a surprise wire brush to see her

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes. I get the feeling she might have a deal to wear certain designer clothes while out with the old ball-n-chain and dresses for herself for work/day. I’m glad to see her finally re-wear something. And my favorite of her shoes at that 😃


      1. Please Nati. When you get to look at this, please please please tell me it’s not a real snake collar. Please please please… I don’t think I could take it! If that is a dead snake around her neck, all her education and achievements will have been for nought.


      2. i cant sand snakes!! dont wish bad for them but would prefer them far far from me, alive or dead! I cant stand snake patterns/prints ;-((


  12. Ihr Gesichtsausdruck ist jetzt ganz anders als auf den privaten Fotos, sie lächelt nicht, wirkt älter … es gibt heute im web neue Fotos von Amal (Bluse und Rockt in Farbe terracotta), da lächelt sie auch nicht, sie sieht völlig anders aus! Ich wundere mich wie wandlungsfähig sie ist.


  13. A new case for Amal:

    Jailed former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed on Tuesday announced a high-profile international legal team, including prominent rights lawyer Amal Clooney, to prepare a fresh attempt to secure his release.
    Nasheed was imprisoned for 13 years last month following a rushed trial which the UN says was in violation of Maldives’ own laws and practices and international standards.



      1. Nati, Amal surely keeps you busy, especially now when she’s apparently not slowing down in all aspects of her life. Thank you for all the effort you put to maintain this blog. I really enjoy it! ❤ i'm looking forward to learn about Amal's new case. Honestly, this is what keeps me interested in her. she made me very interested in international cases and affairs. I'm learning a lot about this topic by just following her news 😉 this woman works on the most important and significant cases in modern history; cases that can change the course of law and the life of every single one of us, and no one seems to care. Law in evolving and changing right in front of us, and Amal is contributing to this change, but still people find less significant things to talk about. how to deal with genocides is changing, the meaning of torture is being redefined, whistle blowers and what can the public know is being considered, political prisoners and their rights are being pushed to new limits too. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE fashion and really enjoy her style. but this woman has much more interesting thing going on in her life. It's not her husband. it's her job! Thank you Nati for covering this aspect of her life. 🙂


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