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Amal and George Clooney spotted at Babbo restaurant in NYC 03.04.2015


 Amal and George Clooney have been spotted at the Babbo Restaurant in West Village. Amal Clooney wore a “very” short dress by Giambattista Valli with pumps by the same designer and a metallic clutch. She turned heads certainly. The smiles of the door man are a proof … 😉

Giambattista Valli dress S/S 2015


The pumps are also by Giambattista Valli.

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The video here  :

48 thoughts on “Amal and George Clooney spotted at Babbo restaurant in NYC 03.04.2015

    1. I think she is looking older with the new kind of ‘reddish’ makeup. And what’s with the hemline? Only on runways!


  1. IMO, the dress is too short for her age, or any age actually. The model on the runaway is way younger which makes it more acceptable. It hit me how much Amal touches her hair and how George seems to wear the same colors… Still, Amal is always confident and charming. Love her.


      1. I agree with Nadia. The length of the skirt makes the wearer’s legs look sexy, especially for Amal as her legs are long and slim


  2. Gorgeous Amal! She has the figure of the runway models and this looks amazing! Very toned long legs too! Nice to see George out of jeans for a change!


  3. It looks like she forgot her skirt. She is loving the media attention. She doesn’t bother looking at George anymore. I guess they both get something out of it. Good luck to them.


  4. Absolutely love it! She looks fantastic. I’m just so sad Valli is totally beyond my budget! I do love her style overall but hope she mixes in a few more low-mid range designer pieces like she used to so her fans can purchase similar looks! One thing I really wonder is how she keeps herself SO thin eating out all the time!! All that rich food and alcohol….even for those of us with fast metabolisms – you have to watch yourself. I wonder what her tricks are!


  5. That is such a gorgeous dress!! (The doorman is gorgeous too! Looks like Amal thought so too!! 😉 )

    I hope she stood to eat her dinner. I would not have liked to see her sitting down in that dress!

    I like her hair – it’s nicer when it’s more natural looking. I wish she would hold off on the blush – it makes her look sunburnt and it’s not a classy look.

    Sadly, her gorgeous legs and thigh gap will make her a poster girl for all the Anorexia websites that teenagers are using as inspiration to over exercise and lose weight. I’m not saying Amal has anorexia, just that vulnerable perfectionistic kids will use her as a role model for all the wrong reasons.


  6. I like Amal very much and hope she succeeds. But I think the constant head tossing and hair stroking, ‘running hands through the hair’ presents a seemingly faux haughty, entitled air which I hope she does not want to put forward. I hope it is a “nervous tick” of some sort. This presentation is in every photo and video of her. But she should be made aware of it because it is not attractive and takes away from her otherwise beautiful, impressive, and distinguished personage.


    1. I notice that, too. Every single picture she is touching her hair. I don’t know if the wind is blowing it in her face, or she thinks that is an attractive ” look “, but whatever it is, she needs to figure out something else to do with her hands.


  7. Sie sieht schön aus, aber das Kleid ist viel zu kurz.
    Ein Jurist, der ernstgenommen werden will, kleidet sich anders.


  8. Amal must have landed a sweet deal with Giambattista Valli when she met with him. She certainly seems to be wearing the brand & keeping his name out there in the forefront; head to toe. We can probably expect to be seeing her wearing runway looks for each season. She’s been wearing a lot of Spring/Summer 2015 and fall 2015. I’m sure this trend will continue season to season.
    Personally, I like a more “less is more” approach & find it more appealing. The Ronald McDonald look is always a bit too much on everyone. It’s not a good look. For some reason (perhaps it’s a professional make up artist) she seems to be caking a lot of makeup on. It’s stage-like makeup. It gives her an “I’m trying too hard” appearance. George always looks stressed for some reason and is looking old. Older than 53 years old. He doesn’t look comfortable in a suit. He never buttons his shirts to the top & always wears them wide open. It’s not very stylish, but it is his style. I think this is what we can expect for a long while: Amal in haute couture high fashion runway looks, especially by Giambattista Valli….until other designers seek her out with offers. My guess too is that Giambattista has these clothes on loan to her in her size. In doing this, she wears them once as he continues to furnish more. She “launches” the look ahead of time & his name is out there by doing so. She will never have to be photographed in anything twice. This would be a faux pas for them and they know it. George could care less….it’s about Amal. 🙂


      1. Me too Nati. This exhibitionism makes me sad. It just makes her look like another publicity seeking celebrity. You’ve been following her for a while – what do you think is happening?


      2. I totally agree, Nati! Maybe she will wear something more interesting when she does her lectures at Columbia University and NYU.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The dress is way to short for anyone – it’s like a long shirt. It looks like she forgot her pants or she should be at the beach wearing it as a coverup. She looks fine, otherwise.

      Perhaps part of Amal’s deal with Valli is that she get photographed in his clothes, in exchange, getting to wear them for free.

      I’m pretty sure that George is selectively telling the photographers when to show up in this one. As “Down Under” pointed out earlier, he even thanks them at the end of the video. Sometimes, I wonder if all of this PR, even when it is supposedly about Amal, is basically a way for George to market himself. George is, after all, a business man interested in money and investments. For instance, he just purchased another property in the Hamptons with his buddies, and they are allegedly planning to make it into a resort. He has his little tequila brand that he tries to advertise. So, his life is just another “product” that he markets that helps him to generate more publicity, and thus, more money. Amal is essentially playing the role of exotic arm candy in his life right now – she is beautiful and well-educated, a professional woman whose profile will make him seem more interesting and respectable. He bought himself a nice wife, there. Let’s also not pretend that, without his wealth and fame, George would ever have attracted Amal. If he wasn’t wealthy and famous, do you think Amal would have given him the time of day? She comes from a privileged background. She’s lived a life where she never had to cook or clean up after herself. She would, naturally, look for someone who could help her to maintain her lifestyle, and she probably really likes the added glamour of being in the spotlight so much, regardless of what it does for her professional life.


  9. I agree, the hair toss-toss and light fingering of the hair, was already very old about 5 months ago and she’s still doing it. It seems to be her natural reaction as she “steps out” for the paparazzi. Along with the locked in place big smile. She should just be like George and ignore it. Ignore it for 12 feet from point A (stepping out) to point B (the waiting car).


    1. I saw the video and I think it is a congenial and consensual relationship between George and the paps. He knew they were waiting for him and he thanked them and they thanked him. They were all very cordial and polite. The paps being on hand always, at the right time, at the right exit, it seems staged and set up to me. George’s PR people and Amal’s mother’s PR people are behind it all I guess – but what are they preparing us, the public, for, I wonder… The paps did not harass George when he was out to dinner with Borat recently. It’s only when Amal is all dressed up and walking in/out of places that the paps seem to be there. I don’t know, but something doesn’t feel right with this couple anymore. It’s very disconcerting. There are no other female celebrities that have taken this haute couture pathway – Amal is the only one – I am happy to be corrected. It just doesn’t feel right. It must be tarnishing her reputation as a serious professional? Nati, you are her number 1 fan – do you get suspicious or disappointed at all, or do you think I am just being paranoid?


      1. I really don’t know. We will see in the next weeks. She always loved famous designer brands and probably there is a deal with Giambattista Valli. I would prefer to see her looks at the Columbia University 😉


  10. Well, I’m not much for super short dresses like this particular one for the older than 30 gals, but I do have to say I think her legs can pull it off. I think the outfit a bit boring, and have started to miss her own unique style.


  11. Touching her hair is a habit of hers. Who cares? She owns it. I love the outfit. The length is perfect. With legs like hers she can pretty much wear any length. Remember she is still in her 30’s. Let’s not age the poor girl. She looks happy. As far as George is concerned. Unfortunately it seems he has taken the role as her escort. I hope they make it.


  12. It seems to me that Amal now loves to get photographed a little bit too much. She is not as natural anymore as she was at the beginning when she started dating George. She became just a fashion doll. If you wanna get taken serious as a lawyer, you don’t dress yourself like she did it here.


  13. I have to say that I don’t think for a second these “photo ops” are planned in any way shape or form. They are in New York. They are highly visible. First, I am sure they are followed. I am also confident that the paps are paying well for tips. Right now the market for these pictures …well..I can’t imagine. But some folks are making a fair bit of money from this. Wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that some paps are staking out the hotel ..and from there it’s not much a challenge for the people who do this for a living.

    For me the best indication of what is really happening is to watch one of the videos. In the last one it took between 6 and 8 seconds to get from the restaurant door to the car. During these few seconds hundreds of photos were taken. These photos are however completely meaningless given the time frame over which they were taken. ie touching her hair (not that I see this as any kind of a problem). If you check the video – it tells a completely different story.

    In terms of her smile – I honestly don’t know what else one does in the face of those relentless flashes. Mostly though there is no right way to handle this as the person on whom the cameras are focused. There is only your way. George has had years of experience with this – she has not.

    My other thought is that it really doesn’t matter what she does. She is so open to criticism. She doesn’t smile people will say she is haughty. She does smile others will say she is fake. She wears nice and expensive clothes – this is a problem. She doesn’t wear nice or expensive clothes – this is also a problem. In my opinion it wouldn’t matter what she was wearing right now the paps would be there regardless. There is no getting rid of them until people get turned off and there is no market for the pictures anymore. Hmmm. She is a very smart woman. Could be a plan. Given how challenging it must be to try to become accustomed to living your life this way …I would be surprised if there was not some thought being given to how to get this attention down to a manageable level. Or she could just love wearing beautiful clothes. I personally love her more eclectic style. But I would strongly suspect it is still there in full force. The paps are however not going to be given an opportunity to capture it.

    Just my two cents.


    1. I LOVE your 2 cents ballycroy, actually i love all your comments, thanks for sharing:) I totally agree; one needs to watch the videos to see how misleading the pictures are! I saw some article almost insinuating that Amal was flirting with the bellman hahaha, when the poor lady spent a split of second looking at him and standing at the door. I dare to say that George left her behind on purpose, he seems to understand that it is becoming all about her style and that she needs to be free so the papz have their hundreds-of-pics-in-2 secs moment. It is really pointless to try to assume anything because it is so fast, even though the pics implies it lasted a long while.

      I love the short dress, her legs are fine, a bit too skinny for my taste but she seems comfortable on her skin no matter what she wears. I just contemplate it all without too much deep judgement because it would be foolish to conclude under so much speculation and lack of facts. I do wish she would back off from the pancake makeup, too strong on the blush… i prefer her old make up more natural look.

      There you have…my 2 cents of pepper 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I totally agree ! What ever she would do it will be some negative comment ….Ladies do you know what size is she?


  14. I’ve watched the video and it’s a sobering reflection of the disparity between the tiny amount of time these pics were taken and the corresponding amount of attention the stills themselves have generated. It’s so easy to judge on stills while ignoring their real time nature. Which is that she didn’t stop and flirt with the doorman, she didn’t linger for pap attention, she didn’t pose with a ‘who, me, hair flicking’ coy gaze at them. That just did not happen. She walked from the restaurant under the gaze of countless cameras and they captured shots that are nothing other than nano-second accounts of her leaving a restaurant.

    Now, that out of the way, she has turned into a walking – and in this instance, really unflattering – clothes horse for GV and it’s so unattractive.

    I do wonder what’s going through her mind and why she’s so eager to be a walking advertisement for him?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Probably the doorman wished her a nice Easter or good luck with photographers and she said “thank you” very quickly. It is terrible how these 1 second pictures are insinuating that she was flirting with him. The press can be so rubbish.


      1. I don’t read gossip/entertainment newspapers for that reason. They make outlandish claims just to generate “click revenue” (which means that they get money every time anyone clicks on their websites).

        I tend to think of people’s reactions to Amal’s supposed “attitude” in photos as a sort of rorschach test – people project their own fantasies and internal feelings onto photos of her, whether positive or negative.

        I’m not a psychologist, but I’m willing to bet one could make a fortune from PR companies from studying the distribution of public responses to simple photos and then learning how to anticipate them.


      2. Lady, you just read my mind. it’s very interesting how we, as you said, project our own feelings onto other people, or their image. This happens to me a lot. If I like someone, like Amal, I tend to “see” most of their actions in a positive manner. However, if I dislike someone, i become very cynical and it would be harder for me to see the good in them. Funny how we humans perceive things around us and react toward them!


  15. BallyCroy, you nailed it! I agree with everything you said. When celebrity hits you full force, everything you do, say, or wear,is assailed by someone. Especially if you are married to everyone’s favorite former bachelor. This media craze has to be their worst nightmare. We should all back off and give them some slack. I am a big fan of two lovely and loving people finding each other. Plus, no-one seems to recognize how many long and lonely hours Amal is putting in,doing. legal research via computer so that she can be with her husband. It is a far cry from working daily at her law offices. JC


    1. Well put Judith! We only see a split of second of her life…being a lawyer is very very hard work!! The stills are misleading to what they insinuate. Watching the videos one sees how fast it happens. I do agree with Morna above, when she mentions how much of JBV Amal is wearing and making it seems strange, to be wearing one designer so much… i wonder if she has cut a business deal with him. I would not be surprised. I actually would prefer that she did, instead of being just a walking advertisement for him.


  16. Seeing her dressed in all the latest runway outfits, makes me think that she must have some sort of arrangement with some designers. Someone suggested that GV loans his clothes to her so she can wear them first and I think that this is very likely. Amal has Always been a fashion conscious person, you could Always tell, even from the earliest pictures of her, that she loves it. Even in her private pictures, she is seen wearing Versace so it’s no wonder that now she wears even more designer clothes and even couture, because she has access to it. I think she should switch it up more, because dressing like this all the time might be negative for her image. I miss the days when she was papped wearing her everyday clothes. I wonder why this hasn’t happened yet in New York? Why do they only get photographed at night? Someone said that George calls the paps himself and I think so too. Otherwise there would have been other pictures too besides the “dinner pictures”. I never expected their image to be so controlled and carefully built. And I don’t really like that Amal is a part of it voluntarily. She still is a high profile lawyer but it seems that she is more and more becoming just the wife of a famous actor and clothes horse. She should stay more low key but the fact that she doesn’t, means that she is loving the attention…


  17. Thanks all. That made me feel so much better:-) I enjoy this blog enormously. And it is so refreshing to see a tone that is civilized even when people are not necessarily agreeing with one another.

    I don’t know why she is taking the approach she is with fashion. But I am reasonably confident that it isn’t happenstance. There is a reason. I could make a couple of guesses. I’m sure we all could. But we don’t know what that reason is – and likely will never know.

    Hi Mara – I think this is an interesting question. Myself I think that person, the one who had an amazing life before she met George Clooney, is still there. And least this is what I strongly believe. At 37 you don’t become a different person overnight. My impression is that she is way smart 🙂 , articulate, thoughtful and passionate about the work she does. Most of which is far from glamorous. My guess is that the goal is to keep this person out of the public eye. Can you imagine teaching at Columbia and having the paps show up outside the door of the lecture hall. Yikes.

    But she is living a very different life. She fell in love – and as chance would have it, with a man whose marriage was going to attract a huge amount of attention. I am not sure that anyone really understood before the wedding just how intense the interest would be.If they had known, my thought would be that the wedding would not have been in the public eye. Now my guess, only a guess, is that they are trying to sort out how to manage this so that can lead relatively normal lives. Not normal lives. The paps will always be there. But lives where they are not pursued with such frenzy. Frankly, I think anything that highlights just how interesting, individual and smart she is just fuels the fire.

    My guess would be that she is not a fan of all these cameras.At all. It really looks quite unpleasant. Knowing that by going out to dinner your face, for better or for worse, is going to plastered all over the internet.How do you do your makeup when you know there will be dozens of very expensive cameras with telephoto lenses and mega flashes aimed at your face? Not sure I know the answer to this. But the answer should not have to be that you never go out – actually it can’t be because that would have the immediate effect of increasing the frenzy – and it would prevent her from doing her work and living her life.


    1. I agree with what you said! I think that initially the interest in them was because George Clooney is marrying, but i also believe that Amal, by just being herself, generated even more interest in them. If George married the wrestler or model her dated previously, there wouldn’t have been that much interest in them. It’s ironic that the woman that had nothing to do with the entertainment industry ended up garnering the most attention and interest! 🙂


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