13 thoughts on “Amal Alamuddin in Elle Magazine July 2014 – scans

      1. Hi Nati,
        Thank you for all the wonderful details on Amal.
        I think she lives Prada sunglasses and has at least 10 pairs from the photos.


  1. WoW! Nice work Nati with the fresh new look of the blog! It looks wonderful! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well done! As always…great updates and “up to the minute” posts! I have continued to enjoy this since the beginning of creation! ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Love the new blog. I also love the periwinkle blue outfit she is wearing. It looks like a pantsuit. Looking forward to seeing if you can find out about it? It’s a mystery how you can do that.

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